Basic PNGO training on Public Private Partnership (PPP) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR)

Supported by Bangladesh Bank

Organized by DIPTO – A Foundation for Gender & Development



DIPTO as a Gender and Development Foundation, aim for long term sustainable development initiatives. DIPTO’s activities aim to carry forward long term empowerment approach of gender initiatives in Bangladesh through incorporation of Public Private Partnership (PPP) using approaches of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR).

In this regard, DIPTO will play a facilitate role with the GOB and private sector focusing on economic empowerment and sustainable development for gender quality and empowerment of women in Bangladesh.

The objective of the overall project is Economic Empowerment & Employment Generation for The marginalized Groups and Victims Of Violence through PPP & CSR.

Expected Outcomes in line with the objectives in a broader sense:

1.      Train DIPTO program Unit on PPP & CSR

2.      Train and engage 500 beneficiaries with skill development and job placement

3.      Establish linkages with Partnership with CSR center and other CSR partners that is multinational, banking sectors, BKMEA, BGMEA.

4.      Establish at least two low cost relevant factories for CSR and economical empowerment and employment generation.

In this respect, the pilot project supported by Bangladesh Bank has numbers of planned activities in hand. One of the important activities is to organize a basic training program for the Partner NGOs on PPP & CSR. The objective of the training  is to develop a better understanding of Public Private Partnership (PPP) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards economic development for  the marginalized groups and victims of violence. The training will be held for 5 days from 6th – 10th September 2014. Special attention will be given on the concept of CSR in social interventions.


Lecture method, Power point Presentation (PPT), Flip chart, VIP cards, group presentations and open discussions were used. For the group work and presentation, 3 groups were formed with 4 participants in each. Each day, 3 presentations from 3 groups were made. In total 12 presentations were made by the active participation of the participants.

Each day, at the beginning of the training program, a recap of the earlier day session was done by the participant.

At the inaugural session, a key note paper was presented by the Founder Executive Director of DIPTO Foundation. The paper highlighted the concept of PPP/CSR -  an unique intervention of the Foundation.


6 PNGOs from 5 districts were selected for the training on PPP & CSR. The criteria for the identification of the PNGO was based on their active role and collaborative efforts in regards to future CSR intervention with the Foundation. To promote CSR nationally at the grass roots was the core deciding element behind the selection of the particular 6 NGOs. 12 nominated participants from the respective NGOs attended and participated in the training.

Impression, knowledge and concept of PPP & CSR

The PNGO training program was focused on Public Private Partnership (PPP) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR), which involves responsibilities, accountability and sustainability as core issue. Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) can be defined as achieving organizational excellence in ways that honor ethical values and respect people, communities and the natural environment. The responsibility that CSR in social sector denotes is non-profit in nature. In general it encompasses economic, legal, ethical and philanthropic responsibility as well. But CSR is a comprehensive set of policies, practices, and programs beyond philanthropy, compliance, legal and statutory regulations. It emphasizes on taking responsibility for stakeholders and actions in the world at large. The prime feature of CSR is to promote and ensure  sustainable development.

The core points of CSR highlights responsibility, responsiveness, accountability, ethics & principles, good governance and Result Based Management (RBM). DIPTO, as one of the pioneer of the CSR intervention in Bangladesh, emphasizes on extension, reformulation and reorientation.

Highlighted issues discussed at the session

The PNGO training program focused on the better understanding of Public Private Partnership (PPP) & Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR) towards economic development of the marginalized groups and victims of violence. The 5 day long training program in it’s various sessions discussed on following issues -

·         Conceptual clarity on PPP & CSR

·         The Current Project & How It relates to DIPTO Foundation

·         Gender & CSR

·         Economic Employment & Employment Generation through CSR

·         CSR policy of Bangladesh Bank

·         Social – Financial performance – Good Corporate Perspective.

·         Reorientation, accountability & sustainability

·         Comprehensive PPT presentation.

·         Way forward & recommendation


Resource personals’ perspective &analysis


Participant’s perspective &analysis

At the beginning of the training, expectations of the participants from the training was asked and a pre-evaluation of the training was conducted. It was gathered from the pre-evaluation that the participants did not have any clear concept regarding CSR. Many of the participants held a very limited idea of CSR as a development process. Implementation strategies of CSR in relation to various social interventions was also vague to the participants.

But gradually with the various sessions and by actively participating in group presentations, the participants started to grasp the concept of CSR. They also could  differentiate the CSR dynamics at the development sector from the corporate perspective. It was also observed that, the participants could relate CSR with their current projects.


Demographic Profile of the Participants






Banchte Shekha

Maria Sarker

Project Coordinator

Sanjida Rahman

Monitoring Advocacy Officer


Manab Kallyan Parishad

Md. Yasin Ali


Abinash Chandra

Field Facilitator


Rights Jessore

S. M Azhaurl Islam

Program Coordinator

Md. Jahangir Alam

Training Officer



Syed Abu Hassan Azami

Assistant Director

Md. Ali Sarker



Women For Women

Rasheda Akhter khanam

E.C Member

Feroza Begum




Nazmul Haider

Sr. Program officer

Tawhid Murad

Program officer



Profile of the Resource Personals






Md, Shahidullah Akanda

Green Banking & CSR




Deputy General Manager




Prof. Hannana Begum


Director of Board

of Director’s


Bangladesh Bank



Akhter Sanjida Qasem

A. Qasem & Co. Chartered Accountants






Shahameen Jaman






Tapati das

DIPTO- A Foundation for Gender & Development


Technical Advisor



Zakia K Hassan

DIPTO- A Foundation for Gender & Development


Executive Director




For the better understanding of PPP & CSR towards economic development for marginalized groups& victims of violence, DIPTO Foundation organized a 5 day long (6th – 10th August 2014) training program.  3 external resources and 3 internal resources of the Foundation fascilated the overall training program.


6th September 2014

Day 1


Inaugural session

The inaugural session of the PNGO training on PPP & CSR was held on 6th September 2014 and was chaired by Rokeya Kabir, the President of DIPTO – A Foundation For Gender & Development. During the inaugural session, the President appreciated DIPTO for initiating the CSR intervention and wished for the Foundation to progress further in a more formal and professional manner. In the session she also mentioned that the concept of CSR is still not properly understood and in many cases the concept of CSR is wrongly confined within philanthropic approaches of various corporate interventions. She also mentioned that at present, CSR can contribute a great deal to economical development and in poverty alleviation. In regards to ensure sustainable livelihood support and to empower women through various programs for marginalized groups and victims of violence, CSR is capable of making huge impact. In relation to the current CSR intervention undertaken by DIPTO, the President highly praised DIPTO as a pioneer to initiate such program.

At the inaugural session, the welcome address and introduction of the theme of the training was given by Tapati Das, Technical Advisor of the Foundation. At the beginning of her welcome note, she gave an over view of the background of DIPTO Foundation. In regards to DIPTO’s work strategy, she introduced  DIPTO as a donor independent organization. The Foundation’s primary focus is various national resource exploration and  mobilization. The Foundation also works to understand them and to make proper utilization of the resources through CSR interventions. She also briefed the attending guests and the participants of the objective and the activities of the 5 day long training session.

After the address note, a key note paper on Unique Initiatives For Marginalized Groups & VAW Victims Carried Out Through CSR was presented by Ms Zakia K Hassan, Founder Executive Director DIPTO Foundation. In the session, she emphasized on advancement in more structured manner. She also mentioned the dire need of the economic empowerment of the marginalized groups which will trigger the advancement of social and economical empowerment. In the presentation, she mentioned CSR interventions of Bangladesh Bank in social sector as an unique intervention  in a joint venture with the Foundation.

During the meeting the Founder Executive Director of DIPTO Foundation emphasized on the technical know-how along with sustainable approaches which are one of the strongest features of the Foundation. A brief introduction of the PNGO in alliance with DIPTO was also mentioned during the session. An overview of the current Bangladesh Bank project was also given.

At the same time, the Founder Executive of DIPTO Foundation emphasized the much required collaboration within various government and  non-government organizations in order to make the CSR initiatives a success.

During the session, Prof. Hannana Begum, Director of Board of Director’s, Bangladesh Bank praised DIPTO’s unique intervention regarding PPP & CSR in the social sector. According to the honorable guest, the brave initiative of DIPTO Foundation was perceived more as a discreet roar of the ocean contained within a snail.  She  assured that Bangladesh Bank will cooperate with DIPTO’s future interventions in alliance with PPP & CSR projects.

The first session of the training program on Conceptual clarity on PPP & CSR was facilitated by Zakia K Hassan. The session featured  PPP/CSR in social sector along with both various criticisms and  appraisals from numerous scholars. Concepts regarding, Corporate Responsibility (CR), Responsiveness, Corporate Financial Performance (CFP), Corporate Social Performance (CSP) and Result Based Management (RBM) was elaborately discussed in the session.

Following the session a separate session was held to attend the queries of the participants regarding the session. After the lunch break a group work followed by a group presentation based on the Conceptual Clarity of PPP & CSR was taken where 12 participants were divided into 3 groups. Each groups were assigned with 3 distinct questions. All the groups were given a specific time to prepare for a presentation. A representative from each group was nominated to make the presentation.

The first day ended with concluding remarks from the facilitators of the training program. Participants were also given reminder to prepare for the recap of the days session on the following day.

7th September 2014

Day 2


On 7th September 2014, the 2nd day of the training program started with the group participation by a recap of the issues discussed the previous day. Following the recap, a session on The Current Project & How It relates to DIPTO Foundation was taken by Zakia K Hassan & Tapati Das. The session highlighted CSR and how it is related to DIPTO and it’s various interventions. A brief on DIPTO’s prime objectives were also given during the session. The role of change agent and an outline of promoting CSR at the grass root level for the marginalized group was also elaborated at the session. The session also emphasized on the significance of quality assurance.


A power point presentation on Gender & CSR was given by Zakia K Hassan. An elaborated overview on Public Private Partnership & Corporate Social Responsibility on Violence Against Women was given in the session. The presentation highlighted the objectives of gender & CSR and the role of various stake holders along with a sociometry in this regard. Types of violence at workplace with a demographic overview was also given at the session.

New groups were formed like the earlier day and new groups were assigned with new tasks to prepare with a presentation.

The day ended with concluding remarks from the facilitators of the training program. Participants were also given a reminder to prepare for the recap of the days session on the following day.

8th September  2014

Day 3


On 8th September, the 3rd day of the training program started with the group participation by a recap of the issues discussed the previous day. Following the recap, a session on Economic Employment & Employment Generation through CSR was taken by Shamin Zaman, CEO of CSR Center. The presentation focused on CSR concept and it’s various dynamics. A holistic approach of CSR was also given in the session. In relation to economic empowerment of women, specially challenged and ethnic minority, the various dynamics of CSR was also discussed during the session. The session was participatory and reciprocal. A group work was conducted at the end of the session.


Following the lunch, a session on the CSR policy of Bangladesh Bank was taken by Md. Shaidullah Akand, DGM , Green Banking unit, Bangladesh Bank. The core feature of the session highlighted green banking and the eco friendly interventions taken by the bank.


New groups were formed like the earlier day and new groups were assigned with new tasks to prepare with a presentation.

The day ended with concluding remarks from the facilitators of the training program. Participants were also given a gentle reminder to prepare for the recap of the days session on the following day.



9th September  2014

Day 4


On 9th September, the 4th day of the training program started with the group participation by a recap of the issues discussed the previous day. Following the recap, a session on Social – Financial performance – Good Corporate Perspective was taken by Akhter Sanjida Kashem FCA, A.Qashem & Co. Chartered Accountants. The presentation focused on the CSR standards for good governance. It also pointed out various dynamics of NGO interventions in alliance with CSR. The next session was facilitated by Zakia K Hassan on Reorientation, accountability & sustainability.


New groups were formed like the earlier day and new groups were assigned with new tasks to prepare with a presentation.

The day ended with concluding remarks from the facilitators of the training program. Participants were also given a reminder to prepare for the recap of the days session on the following day.

10th September 2014

Day 5


On 10th September, the last day of the training program started with the recap of day 4. The recap session was facilitated by Tapati Das ( Technical Adviser of DIPTO Foundation). The participants briefly discussed their understanding regarding the previous day’s sessions.


This session on Comprehensive Presentation of the training sessions on PPP & CSR Clarity and Unique Initiatives was facilitated by Zakia K. Hassan. The presentation featured the objective of the training program. Also a brief overview of the methods applied during the training program has also been given. The presentation emphasized on Economic and Motivational approach (legal/economic/financial) for CSR intervention.  Issues discussed during the sessions:

The facilitator concluded the session by stating that the motive of DIPTO Foundation is to involve field level actors so that the objective of CSR can be fulfilled in a result oriented manner.

Further the facilitator presented a way forward & short-term, mid-term & long- term recommendations. At the end of this session a post evaluation test of the participants was taken by the organizers.

Concluding session

The concluding session was chaired by Emranul Huq Chowdhury (Vice-President, DIPTO Foundation). Md Shahidullah Akanda (DGM,Green Banking & CSR Department, Bangladesh Bank), Hosne Ara Begum (Member, Executive board of DIPTO Foundation), Tapati Das (Technical Adviser of the Foundation), Mahmuda Imam (Technica adviser of the Foundation), Shammem Jahan Khandaker (HR Director of the Foundation), Suraiya Khandaker (C.S.O, Bangladesh Jute Research Ins.) were also present in the session.


The concluding session was facilitated by Zakia K. Hassan (Founder Executive Director of the Foundation).


Chair of this session started the session by stating that this 5 days training is an investment for DIPTO Foundation to make the conceptual clarity of CSR. He also mentioned that the unique initiatives taken by DIPTO Foundation will contribute the community through enhancing economic employment. He further appreciated Bangladesh Bank’s contribution through their CSR Fund. Moreover, he mentioned Bangladesh Bank as “our institution” for their pro-people activities.


Deputy General manager of the Green Banking, Bangladesh Bank stated that to successfully  organize a 5 day long training program is a great achievement for DIPTO Foundation. He suggested DIPTO Foundation to arrange further seminars by following the guideline of this training on PPP & CSR. He also mentioned NGO’s role towards enhancing manpower and social mobilization.


Hosne Ara Begum, special guest of the session  congratulated DIPTO Foundation for successfully conducting this training. She stated that CSR is a unique intervention of DIPTO Foundation in the development field. Further she asked all the participants to take sustainable initiatives under the concept of CSR through the knowledge they gained from this training and their professional skill and action as well.


Md. Shahidullah Akanda, representative of Bangladesh Bank distributed certificate of participation among the participants.


The 5 days long training program ended with a brief overview of the objective of this training and vote of thanks by Zakia K. Hassan (ED of the Foundation).



The 5 day long training program on PPP & CSR initiatives had it’s focus on CSR. It also included CSR agents and their effective interventions at the grass roots. The new role of the field level actors in relation to the implementation of the CSR objectives in a transparent manner is regarded as the core issue of the over-all training.  Moreover, the information flow among the service providers is also very important in CSR. The dissemination of knowledge in relation to CSR to enhance the venture was also highlighted. One of the key features of the over-all training was to initiate and enhance the practice of CSR interventions in relation to sustainability approach towards the development of economic empowerment and employment generation  for marginalized groups and victims of violence in alliance with DIPTO’s project initiatives.
















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